Teacher's Note

Activity 6: Don't Share Germs, Part 1

Identifying & Solving Problems

While students are learning to share, they need to know that germs are something they don't want to share. Try these demonstrations to show students how germs spread. This activity may be best suited to students in Grade 1.

Getting Started

How germs spread - seeing is believing!

  1. Make a simple face by taking a piece of paper and drawing a face on it. Cut out a nose and mouth.
  2. Attach another piece of paper to the back of the face.
  3. Use the spray bottle of water to spray the face you have made. The face will have water on it.
  4. Remove the piece of paper behind the face to show that it too has water on it. This demonstrates how germs can enter the body when some coughs or sneezes near our face.
  5. Remind students to always cover their mouth and turn their head away from other people when they cough or sneeze to keep germs from spreading.

Materials required:

A paper face, extra paper, water and a spray bottle

Hot potato!

1.    Have students sit in a circle and pass around a sponge ball covered with flour to each other.

2.    After it has been passed to each student in the circle, tell them that the flour represents germs. The students will see how quickly germs can spread from one person to another.

3.    Ask students which of the following can spread germs:

Materials required:

A sponge or sponge-type ball

Teacher's Note

Activity 6: Don't share germs, part 2

Identifying & Solving Problems

Once students see how easily germs can be passed around, they will understand why it's important to wash their hands when they've come into contact with germs. This part of the activity teaches them how to wash their hands properly and when they will need to do so.

Getting Started

Keeping germs from spreading

After passing the hot potato around students will understand the need to wash their hands. The next step is to illustrate the importance of using warm water and soap.

  1. Place a small amount of vegetable oil on your hands and sprinkle cinnamon on your palms to represent germs. Ask students to predict what will happen when you wash your hands in cold water. Students will notice that the 'germs' remain on your hands when you put your hands in cold water.
  2. Next, ask the students to predict what will happen if you wash your hands with warm water and soap. Students will see that the 'germs' are easily washed away. They should understand that washing your hands with warm water and soap is an important thing to do to stop germs from spreading.

Materials required:

Vegetable oil, cinnamon, basin of cold water, basin of warm water, soap

How to wash your hands

  1. Photocopy and pass out the handout on the next page and go over the six steps to washing your hands with the students. Have students practice proper hand washing while singing the hand washing song.
  2. Have students take home a copy of the handout and ask them to have someone help them post it near the sink so they can follow the hand washing procedures at home.

When to wash your hands

Review with students when they should wash their hands:

We gratefully acknowledge the Workers Compensation Board of

Prince Edward Island for permission to adapt this activity.